ATR马丁网格Fluid Blue 3.3 EA,全自动建仓平仓,博取趋势EA,月化25%盈利

ATR马丁网格Fluid Blue 3.3版本EA是走逆势交易的策略,全自动建仓平仓,博取趋势的折返的间隙获取超额收益。不网格的策略很少能盈利可观,想要盈利多还是要看马丁类策略,不用担心爆仓问题,这款策略浮亏上也控制的不错,经我自己测试稳定参数,月化可以达到25%左右的盈利。
(ATR Martin grid fluid blue 3.3 version EA is a strategy of trading against the trend. It can automatically build positions and close positions, gain the gap of the turn back trend and obtain excess returns. The strategy of not grid is seldom profitable. If you want to make more profit, you still have to look at Martin's strategy. You don't have to worry about the problem of stock explosion. This strategy is also well controlled in terms of floating loss. Through my own test of stable parameters, the monthly profit can reach about 25%.)

★ 【推荐】智橙·天钻EA至臻版:自2021~2023年,$1000本金运行,0.01手起始仓位非复利,观摩盈利目前总资金$17500+,风险控制最大回撤30%以内... ...  点击查看

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