- Type Operation Mode - Mode to working expert. 运行模式
- Pairs To Use - Use input pair(s) or chart pair to trade. 使用图表货币对 或 自定义交易货币对
- Manual Pairs Trade - Input pairs to trade. 自定义交易货币对
- Open Orders In Loss - Make grid of orders. 网格补仓模式
- Step For Next Order (Value $/Lot) - Step for orders in loss. 亏损水平补仓
- Type Of Progress Step - Type of step. 补仓间距递进模式
- Type Of Close In Profit Orders - Type to close orders in profit. 获利出场模式
- Target Close In Profit (Value $/Lot) - Target to close orders in profit. 获利水平出场
- Type Of Close In Loss Orders - Type to close orders in loss. 亏损出场模式
- Target Close In Loss (Value $/Lot) - Target to close orders in loss. 亏损水平出场
- Use Percentage Loss Close - Percentage equity to close in loss. 百分比亏顺出场
- Percentage Equity Close - Level of percintage equity. 净值亏损出场
- Use Emergency Mode - Use emergency mode in strong trend. 使用紧急出场模式
- Orders For Partial Close In Profit (0=Not Use) - Orders to start emergency partial close in profit. 部分获利出场
- Orders For Hedge Order (0=Not Use) - Orders to start emergency place hedge order. 对冲
- Orders For Partial Close In Loss (0=Not Use) - Orders to start emergency partial close in loss. 部分亏损出场
- Use Preset Emergency Value - Use preet value for emergency operations. 使用预设紧急数值
- Use Auto Lot Size - Type of money management. 自动手数
- Risk Factor For Auto Lot - Risk factor for auto money management. 自动手数风险因子
- Manual Lot Size - Lot size for manually money management. 自定义手数
- Type Of Progress Lot - Type of next lot size. 手数递进模式
- Max Orders Per Pair (0=Not Use) - Maximum opened orders for each pair. 货币对最大交易单子
- Max Lot Per Pair (0=Not Use) - Maximum order lot size for each pair. 货币对最大手数
- Max Multiplier Lot Per Pair (0=Not Use) - Maximum multiplier for lot progress. 货币对最大马丁因子
- Use Time Window - Time to start and stop trade expert. 使用时间限制
- Time Start Trade - Time start trade. 开始交易时间
- Time Stop Trade - Time stop trade. 停止交易时间
- Show Info On Chart - Show information of groups on the chart. 显示信息在图表
- Size Fonts Of Info - Size of fonts on the chart information. 显示字体大小
- Color Of Titles - color on the screen. 标题颜色
- Color Of Info - color on the screen. 信息颜色
- Color Of Line Titles - color on the screen. 标题线条颜色
- Color Of Line 1 - color of line 1 on screen. 线条1颜色
- Color Of Line 2 - color of line 2 on screen. 线条2颜色
- Position 'Orders' Info - Position for orders information on the screen. 显示单子位置
- Position 'PnL' Info - Position for PnL information on screen. 显示盈亏位置
- Position 'Close' Info - Position for close level information on screen. 显示出场水平位置
- Position 'History' Info - Position for history results information on the screen. 显示历史位置
- Position 'Maximum' Info - Position for maximum levels on screen. 显示最大盈亏位置
- Position 'Spread' Info - Position for spread information on the screen. 显示点差位置
- Max Accepted Spread (0=Not Check) - Max spread. 最大接受点差
- Max Opened Orders (0=Not Limit) - Max orders. 最大总交易单子
- Max Accepted Slippage - Max slippage. 最大接受滑点
- Orders' ID (0=Generate Automatic) - Orders' ID. 魔术号码
- Set Automatically Chart To Use - Auto select chart to run expert. 自动选用货币对图表
- Print Log Report - Print information in log file. 记录讯息日志
- Use Completed Bars - Use completed bar to make operation. 使用完整蜡烛分析
- Comment For Orders - Comment for orders. 单子注释